Saturday 21 September 2013

Build the child. ..

        The child innocent is born into this world, depending on the older ones around for love, shelter, security and guidance is a gift from god and a source of our joy, a reason for our labors and hope of our future is supposed to be cherished, appreciated and equipped for greatness with a sense of belonging. This is supposed to be our responsibilities, knowing full well that we train a child the way he should go and when he grown, he will not depart from it.
        However, directly or indirectly speaking, we as parents, teachers and the society at large are failing already in these divine assignment of been a good example even when we are aware that they need to be guided in these stages of their development to maximize their potentials and enable them adjust fully to the environment in which they find themselves. We consider them not too important and they are left to fair for themselves.     
          The child is supposed to develop physically, mentally, socially and spiritually under our supervision and care, and anything short of this is child abuse in terms of it being inadequate or even over adequacy of the above listed necessities for the child.   
          The child is supposed to be used (treated) in the right way and not AB- used, MIS-used or WRONGLY-used.

Standing up for the champions...

Stand up for the champions!.
   We are not meant to live the experience of others; You may never encounter their obstacles, but be inspired by them as you journey through your own life.
Do you still remember?

Soichiro Honda
     He is the founder of Honda. Do you know he was turned down at an interview with Toyota? And he was jobless for some time. In the process began making scooters in his garage which eventually produced Honda. Most of us want to ride on Honda, but what of if Soichiro Honda had given up on himself?  

Nelson Mandela born July 18, 1918
      He is one of the world’s most reversed statesmen. He fought and conquered! I am sure you know his story… what are you standing for? Choose a stand for something good today.  

Walt Disney born 1901
    He was sacked by his boss at a newspaper because he “had no good ideas”. He tried many other businesses and failed. But you know the end don’t you? Disney is one of the richest companies worldwide today… you can do it, yes! But it starts with the little things you do every day.  

Richard Branson
     He was called a dummy in school, a dyslexic and did not succeed much in his studies. But today he is worth $4.4 billion and owns 360 companies. He is the man behind virgin airline, virgin music etcetera.

Death paid a visit to a clever man.

    There was this clever young man by name Onwumere to whom Mr. Death paid a visit.
    Normally, the rule of the game is that whoever his visita will eventually die. On arrival, Onwumere gave Mr. Death a befitting welcome and served him everything he needed.  Few minutes later Mr. Death fell into a deep sleep and Onwumere carefully went into his back and removed a piece of paper which contains the list of those due for death. Upon opening the list, Onwumere discovered to his greatest surprise that his name was.
     At the time Mr. Death woke up he was already refreshed from the sound sleep and thanked Onwumere for his hospitality cum kindness towards him. Being impressed and overwhelmed by Onwumere's kind gesture, Mr. Death in appreciation told Onwumere that he has decided to start killing from the end of the list instead of beginning from the first person as initially arranged. When the young man heard this, he slumped and died. The next target in Mr. Death list.
     As a clever man, he carefully erased his name and wrote it at the end of the list.

Who is civilised?

Do we run a society where one can say that our laws and customs are fair and morally acceptable? One who is civilised should be one who is well organised with a very developed culture and way of life.