Sunday 22 September 2013

An obedient son

           There was a boy called Taye who lived in Iyere town. Before his mother went to market in the morning, she told Taye, son, your lunch is in the kitchen. Play with your friends just outside the house, but always stay near the door. Taye was a good boy and wanted to do as his mother commanded. He played with his friends in the morning and sat by the door in the afternoon.
           When it was noon his brother in-law came and asked him, “where is your mother?” mother has gone the market, replied Taye. His brother in-law then said “your sister and I will visit your mother this evening. Please go and inform her.” Taye did not know what to do. He wanted to obey his mother and stay by the door, but also had to go to the message.
          He removed the door and carried it on his back. His mother was surprised to see him, “I asked you to stay by near the house. Why have you come here with door on your back?” Said his mother. Taye replied immediately, “mother, you wanted me to stay close to the door, but my brother in-law sent me to inform you that he and my sister are visiting us today. So the best thing for me to do was to bring the door with me so that I could be closed to it.

Strive fot excellence

       Being excellence means becoming a person of value. The plan of God for your life and destiny is to attain the highest level of excellence. It is an abuse on redemption if you are not attaining excellence in your life. This is because a true leader is someone who wants to distinguish himself in his field. 

       God’s desire for your life is to make you the head and not the tail. That is why he said you should be above only and not beneath. Hear this beloved, excellence is not an accident; it is something you must strive for.
        Excellence demand hard work. In the school of success, hard work is mandatory. It is not optional. If you want to work for only six hours a day, you are not likely achieve distinction and excellence in life Excellence is not a product of luck but a product of experience. Excellence comes by diligence. The excellence you desire to achieve in that your ministry, government or business does not come by osmosis. To become excellent forever in life, you must emulate excellent people. If you want to be great in your life journey, copy great mean. Understand me now that life is too short to discover everything yourself and also, life is too short not to learn from great men who ever lived. We are able to transplant hearts because medical doctors learnt from our predecessors.
         It is high time we began to strive for excellence in life. Be humble and depend upon the discoveries of others, because God does not want you to be a mediocre. Insist on the highest quality and not quantity. Decide today for excellence. Read good books that excellent people have written. You can be an excellent businessman, independent, student and general manager of that enterprise.
        Remember, everyone that desire excellence in life must be a radical thinker. It takes thinking to come out with meaningful results. Don’t limit your personality. Believe you can do it better than others


         Vision is the ability to see the picture of the future. It is also the ability to go for your goals and desire before it comes to pass. Vision is the motivation that drives motivated people achieve greatness. Vision pulls atomic energy from the sun. Poor vision limits your dreams. Vision is the act of seeing things invisibly.

        People of vision are those who try their best to be counted as the skillful ones. They are people of wisdom; they know if they are not physically updated, they will not be spiritually mandated. They are men and women of great excellence. They are the foresighted people. A great mans word is bounded with his vision. They believe that with god, all things are possible because they see the invisible so they can do the undoable (impossible).

Take charge of your life


        It is dangerous to abandon or kill your God-given dream. The bible says a desire, purpose of dream that is unfulfilled will make you frustrated and sick. The cure is to pursue and accomplish your God-given dream. Pursuit is the evidence of your desire. Desire is passion.

        Develop a passion for your purpose in life. Let it become an obsession. Pursue it. Unless you pursue it, you will never accomplish it. Action will bring your dream from your mind and turn it into tangible reality for all to see, admire and be blessed by you. You were created to bless humanity until you begin to do so, you haven’t succeeded yet.

       Your success is your fault. Your failure is also your fault. You made it happen. You are responsible for your life. The ultimate act of irresponsibility is to blame someone else for your failure. No one on earth determines your earthly destiny.

        Take charge of your life and move in direction you desire to go. Don’t submit your destiny to circumstances. Your present decision in life should never dictate where you are going.
        How you started or where you started from and your present situation in life is not a prophetic prediction of how you’ll end up.

The great river

         From its source in the mountains between sierra leone and guinea to its delta in eastern Nigeria, the mighty niger will have travelled some 4000 kilometres. This nine month long journey to the far off gulf of guinea will take it through many countries and some of the mst varied century in thw world.
        From the high mountains around the futa jallon through the dense forest of guinea it flows, gaining in size from its many tributaries.
         This waters create the fertile plains of mali republic before reaching the desert regions beyond Timbuktu whence it turns south-east to flow between the republic of niger and benin. It is here that it enters Nigeria, that great African state and more than half its journey over, is put to work-vast hydro-electric plants provide for the needs of nigerias millions and for the industry of this huge country here, too irrigation scheme, fed by its waters,assist in food production and its use, with waters,assist in food production and its use, with specially designed vessels to facilitiate travel, trade and the transport of goods and everywhere are fishermen casting their nets.

         At lokoja, where the niger is joined by it greatest tributary, the benin, it turns sharply southwards t flow majestically past Onitsha and presently to form its vast delta.

       The delta hot humid, is a place of great rain foorest mangrove swamps and a network of waterways taking the niger at last to the sea. Here too, in the sea offshore, are the oil fields which make Nigeria one of the main oil producers of the common wealth of nations.

Marrying too young

       A fruit picked too soon before it ripens, can be bitter to taste. Similarly, those who marry too young often reap bitter harvest. The highest rate of marriage failure is found in the very young couples, especially teenagers.
     Younger couples invite more risks to themselves Australian women bluntly and weakly put it this way “marrying at eighteen is nonsense. You are young as a flower bud opening to a sun of passion. You haven’t lived enough. You don’t know who you are and you make immature decisions. Little things that are important then are not important later on.” Yes it takes time to know oneself and also to know prospective mates. “Youthful love” is not real love; bit more of infatuation and physical attraction and that is not enough in marriage. This is seen when passion is given free reign before marriage and the girl more often gets pregnant so sad, the couples marry often to divorce soon.
        In France 85% of couples who divorce before two years of their marriage were expecting their first child, before marrying, baby wasn’t enough to hold the marriage together
        One of the main causes of marriage failure is lack of communication. This common reason centers on the unwillingness of the marriage mate to talk things over themselves in a calm open manner. It often has a deadening effect on many aspects of marriage. Usually, it is the wife who usually feels that the husband is not interested in what she thinks, says or does. She may complain that she is isolated, unloved without a companion (which a husband should be) thus the couple drifts apart.
        However, in many occasions, lack of communication is not the cause of their problems. Rather it is the result. Then something else has gone wrong somewhere and the manifestation of this is that the couples have less and less of good conversation…