Sunday 22 September 2013

The great river

         From its source in the mountains between sierra leone and guinea to its delta in eastern Nigeria, the mighty niger will have travelled some 4000 kilometres. This nine month long journey to the far off gulf of guinea will take it through many countries and some of the mst varied century in thw world.
        From the high mountains around the futa jallon through the dense forest of guinea it flows, gaining in size from its many tributaries.
         This waters create the fertile plains of mali republic before reaching the desert regions beyond Timbuktu whence it turns south-east to flow between the republic of niger and benin. It is here that it enters Nigeria, that great African state and more than half its journey over, is put to work-vast hydro-electric plants provide for the needs of nigerias millions and for the industry of this huge country here, too irrigation scheme, fed by its waters,assist in food production and its use, with waters,assist in food production and its use, with specially designed vessels to facilitiate travel, trade and the transport of goods and everywhere are fishermen casting their nets.

         At lokoja, where the niger is joined by it greatest tributary, the benin, it turns sharply southwards t flow majestically past Onitsha and presently to form its vast delta.

       The delta hot humid, is a place of great rain foorest mangrove swamps and a network of waterways taking the niger at last to the sea. Here too, in the sea offshore, are the oil fields which make Nigeria one of the main oil producers of the common wealth of nations.

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