Sunday 22 September 2013

Take charge of your life


        It is dangerous to abandon or kill your God-given dream. The bible says a desire, purpose of dream that is unfulfilled will make you frustrated and sick. The cure is to pursue and accomplish your God-given dream. Pursuit is the evidence of your desire. Desire is passion.

        Develop a passion for your purpose in life. Let it become an obsession. Pursue it. Unless you pursue it, you will never accomplish it. Action will bring your dream from your mind and turn it into tangible reality for all to see, admire and be blessed by you. You were created to bless humanity until you begin to do so, you haven’t succeeded yet.

       Your success is your fault. Your failure is also your fault. You made it happen. You are responsible for your life. The ultimate act of irresponsibility is to blame someone else for your failure. No one on earth determines your earthly destiny.

        Take charge of your life and move in direction you desire to go. Don’t submit your destiny to circumstances. Your present decision in life should never dictate where you are going.
        How you started or where you started from and your present situation in life is not a prophetic prediction of how you’ll end up.

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