Sunday 22 September 2013

Marrying too young

       A fruit picked too soon before it ripens, can be bitter to taste. Similarly, those who marry too young often reap bitter harvest. The highest rate of marriage failure is found in the very young couples, especially teenagers.
     Younger couples invite more risks to themselves Australian women bluntly and weakly put it this way “marrying at eighteen is nonsense. You are young as a flower bud opening to a sun of passion. You haven’t lived enough. You don’t know who you are and you make immature decisions. Little things that are important then are not important later on.” Yes it takes time to know oneself and also to know prospective mates. “Youthful love” is not real love; bit more of infatuation and physical attraction and that is not enough in marriage. This is seen when passion is given free reign before marriage and the girl more often gets pregnant so sad, the couples marry often to divorce soon.
        In France 85% of couples who divorce before two years of their marriage were expecting their first child, before marrying, baby wasn’t enough to hold the marriage together
        One of the main causes of marriage failure is lack of communication. This common reason centers on the unwillingness of the marriage mate to talk things over themselves in a calm open manner. It often has a deadening effect on many aspects of marriage. Usually, it is the wife who usually feels that the husband is not interested in what she thinks, says or does. She may complain that she is isolated, unloved without a companion (which a husband should be) thus the couple drifts apart.
        However, in many occasions, lack of communication is not the cause of their problems. Rather it is the result. Then something else has gone wrong somewhere and the manifestation of this is that the couples have less and less of good conversation…

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