Monday 23 September 2013

Unlocking the treasure in you

          Posterities are inner forces, innate resources and abilities that God has deposited in every person which can help one achieve his/her purpose on earth potentials were deposited man as response to problems that exist on earth.  
          Potentials make you unique, confident and can bring satisfaction to you. They are treasures found in every person. The setbacks and hindrance to the development of your potentials are doubts, fear, negative influences/association, ignorance negative attitude/characters, pride and abilities are never developed in a nesh. It may take sometime but pays off.
          There is a Chinese plant which when planted experience very reliable growth for over four years. Yet they still apply fertilizer and water till the fifth year. In the fifth year the plant that has not shown signs of development within five weeks grows ninety feet in height. And it is very useful for economic and health purposes One thing about discovering and developing your potentials are maximized, your suffering in life is minimized.

All women are donkeys

          During an argument, a husband and his wife “women are donkeys, all women are donkeys!” the next day, as there were travelling along the highway a donkey passed right in front of their car. The woman tells her husband “sweetheart be careful, your mother is crossing the road.”

Enjoyment and social life in schools

          Students take school life as a means of enjoyment and to socialize. During our primary school days, we were so much under the direct control of our parents that we could hardly go anywhere without their knowledge, permission and consent. Even our friends were thoroughly checked by them. As a matter of fact, they monitored all our activities.

           We equally had catalogue of what to do and what not to do; and we were punished each time we kicked against their dos and don’ts. Then we were not so free, and of course we never cherished much of the restrictions imposed on us.

          When we were through with our primary school, we were considered a little but mature and also started to assert certain bit of autonomy which more often than not, resulted in clashes of interest and personality between us and our parents.

             But I will advise us not to develop certain bit of autonomy. Although we could say or people can address us as mature people while in secondary schools but it shouldn’t be mature at boys socializing with cultist or girls becoming exposed. I am saying it is not bad to socialize but we should not socialize in bad groups. But mind we have come to study. If we allow ourselves to be carried away by temporary pleasures of the present time then our fate would not be different from being useless